After Arif´s 10 year anniversary we had the pleasure of directing and producing the music video of his first song release “(Åh) Tåmy, Tåmy” for his new album. The project took place in different locations portraying the universe “Wolf of Wall Street '' on a budget, that shows the everyday life in HNGST Corporation with Rifla and Tommy Sheriff as the top managers.
This project goes down in the books as one of the funniest we've been involved in. We want to give a big thank you to all employees and those involved in HNGST Corporation.
DoP @kristoffergrindheim 1st AC @mathiasertnaes 2nd AC @el__groucho Gaffer @haldorjon Bestboy @johanmalvik Grip @moviebirdnorway Stylist @miriamstylisten Stylist assistant Karine Næss / Camilla Haanshus Set design Nina Von Gegerfelt Nielsen, Siri Lien Choreographer @cthanu 1st AD @ibenmt Prod coordinator @annaschradeer VFX Alf Løvvold Grade @didrikbrathen Graphic Design @bielkeyang Online @viktormauren / @teigland Sound design @goranobad85 PA’s Oline Hopen / Mayoo Sivanantham Sebastian M. Andreassen, Marcus Brochmann, Oliver Grytten, Joachim Hsu Hals