Nike - Unisport - NFF


Ice cream! Iceeee creaaam! Fresh Nike Football goods coming through!

Nothing beats the sound of the ice cream truck passing through your neighborhood. No sound can make the world stop like the tunes from the ice cream truck.

The same goes for the release of the new Norwegian national football kit by Nike.


  • Thomas Flått
  • Even Suseg
  • Michael Ray Vera Cruz Angeles


  • Design
  • Photo
  • Film


Director Thomas Flått Producer Michael Angeles Dop Vi Duc Troung 1st AC Mathias Ernæs 2nd AC Arman Nasiri
Character customization Simen Saltnes Design Even Suseg Edit Thomas Flått
Grade & online Viktor Mauren Sound Magnus Bekvang

Client Nike - Uniport - NFF

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With that said we were commissioned to help release the new jerseys. We got to make our own custom Norway ice cream truck that delivered the goods. And in the front-seat we had Norway’s ex-skipper, the legendary Brede Hangeland as the ice cream man. Other than the commercial we also assisted in the in-store activation for the kit release at the brand new Unisport store in Oslo, and at the national games at Ullevål Stadium.

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A huge humble thanks to Nike, NFF, and Unisport for trusting our idea. Thank you to all of the crew who made this possible, and of course the kids from Kjelsås football team who joined the fun.

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